dui legal limitWere you recently charged with a DUI offense? If this is the case, you need to speak to a team of DUI lawyers in Maryland. The sooner you do so, the sooner you can put this episode behind you and get on with your life.

At What Point Can You Lose Your License?

If the police find your blood alcohol level to be 0.08 percent or higher, you may be arrested and charged with DUI. If you are convicted, your first offense can net you a license revocation of up to 6 months. There may also be a fine of $1,000 followed by 12 points on your license. You may face imprisonment for up to 1 year.

The penalties for a second offense are much stiffer. You will have your license revoked for up to 1 year. You must also have an Ignition Interlock Device placed on your vehicle.

The fine is $2,000, with 12 points added to your license. There is a mandatory minimum for imprisonment of 5 days. The maximum is 2 years. You will also be sentenced to mandatory participation in a state-sponsored alcohol abuse assessment program.

Contact Thompson Legal Group, the DUI Attorneys Maryland Trusts

Thompson Legal Group are the DUI attorneys Maryland trusts for expert legal service. You don’t have to lose your license without a fight. If you believe there was an abnormality in the way the equipment was used to detect your blood alcohol level, let us know. We can help you establish reasonable doubt that may win your case.

The time to call an expert team of DUI lawyers in Maryland is now. Thompson Legal Group will go to bat for you. Get in touch with us today to learn more about what we can do to help you avoid losing your license and getting a DUI conviction on your record.

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