If you are charged with a crime but are not a legal citizen, then you should seek out the assistance and advice of our Maryland immigration lawyers. A criminal conviction could have significant consequences on your immigration status, including the possibility of removal from the country.

Criminal Charges

How can criminal charges affect an immigration case?

Certain criminal charges can create issues with immigration and make it more difficult to remain or return to the country. For example, a violent crime could result in deportation. Even if you are not a legal citizen, you could make arrangements to remain in the country if your criminal charges are handled appropriately. An attorney with immigration and criminal law experience can help ensure that you understand your options and the best way to respond.

How can an attorney help?

Our Maryland immigration lawyers understand how criminal charges could impact your immigration status. If a conviction for the charge you are facing will create immigration issues, then they will strive to negotiate a plea deal that reduces the chance of adverse immigration consequences. An attorney will be able to review the evidence in your criminal case to determine if there are any defenses or factors that will negate your guilt. An experienced attorney will understand the best way to address the criminal charges and receive an outcome that is favorable.

Many criminal defense attorneys do not understand the potential immigration consequences, so it is important that you consult with an attorney who has experience in both areas of the law. Our Maryland immigration lawyers at Thompson Legal Group are experienced in both criminal and immigration law. We can help you understand your options and what to expect in your cases. To ensure that your rights are protected and that you do not fall victim to unexpected immigration issues, contact Thompson Legal Group.

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